Allagash 2021
There was no sound. Liz and I both remarked about the strange ringing in our ears created by the complete dearth of noise. It was exactly what we needed. The last month had undoubtedly been the most challenging in our 5-years of marriage. We were as strong as ever, but life had been piling on […]
Ready for Sugaring – 2021
And while doing chores Sunday morning I was able to track a more rare small mammal that arrives as the weather begins to warm – an Ellie Bellied Sap Drinker. Sunday I found the animals small footprints circling a cluster of young maples, a sure sign that sap will be flowing soon.
2021 Meat Orders
It’s that time of year. We are ready to start taking deposits for 2021 meat orders. Here is a link to our meat share price sheet for this year. If you have never ordered with us before, below is a bit more information about how things work. We require a deposit to reserve orders. For […]
Fighting Beeches
I’d estimate that 99-percent of the trees we’ve cut on our land have been beech trees, and for good reason.
Farm Water in Winter
Doing the farm chores at 5:30 this morning, I portioned out sweet grain for the girls, slid a bowl of grain each for Mac and Murphy under their gate, and topped off the pig feeder with a 50-pound bag. Then, with the lift of a blue handle, I filled a 5-gallon bucket of water. One […]
Glad You Made It
Welcome to the Farm. As Liz and I built this place over the last five-plus years, a few themes kept coming up. “We’re Crazy.” “Can we call this place a farm.” “Will the projects ever end?” And, “Keith should be writing about this.”